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Intervals: Go Short or Go Long?

There are many types of intervals under the sun, and short Tabata-style intervals of repeated on-off efforts have become popular. How effective are they compared to longer, steady state intervals?Pleasure and/or pain for EvenepoelHurt So GoodIf youve been reading my Toolbox articles, you may have seen references to the Rnnestad intervals periodically over the past few years. I first mentioned them discussing my experiences with front-load periodization, where I went for a 5-1-1-1x/week of intensity compared to the traditional even spacing of 2-2-2-2. I found this stacking highly effective in improving my fitness. This was based off of the Norwegian sport scientist Bent Rnnestads study showing a greater improvement with the front-load pattern.And if you follow the Xert Breakthrough Lab podcast, youll know that no episode is done without a mention of these Rnnestad workouts. So first, what are they?Theyre variations of the on-off Tabata style of intervals, with brief periods of high intensity efforts and recovery. In the case of Rnnestads, each set is 13 reps of 30 s max effort (I average around 325 W) with 15 s of moderate recovery (I average 120 W or so, definitely not coasting). A typical workout might consist of 3 sets with 5-10 min of easy recovery in between. My Xert power file. Bottom (red/blue) is power, purple is Xert’s model of “Maximal Power Available” or MPA. When MPA comes near power, Xert will recalculate your fitness signature’s “Peak Power,” “High Intensity Energy” and “Threshold Power” as appropriate.Why do I personally like...
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